Construction Update

The Sherwin-Williams project team is implementing the EPA-selected remedies for the Former Manufacturing Plant, United States Avenue Burn Site, Residential Properties, and Route 561 Dump Site units located in Gibbsboro and Voorhees.

Former Manufacturing Plant (FMP) Soils Unit

Sherwin-Williams is performing pre-design investigation and remedial design activities to address soil and light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) contamination at the FMP. For more information on the FMP unit and the EPA-approved remedy, visit the FMP Soils page.

  • Remediation is underway on the Former Manufacturing Main Plant (Paint Works) area at the base of Silver Lake. This work will continue for approximately one year. The following activities are scheduled for the months of September and October 2024:
    • Foster Avenue was closed to thru traffic on August 30, 2024. Access will be maintained for businesses and the Police Station. The road will remain closed through spring 2025.
    • Continued closure of the Paint Works parking lot to public use
    • Continued closure of the wooden boardwalk at the base of the Silver Lake
    • Continued use of the 2 and 4 Foster Avenue building slabs for staging of soils and equipment
    • Installation of steel sheet piles to support deep excavations
    • Excavation and backfilling of areas within the Paint Works parking lot
    • Soil management, trucking and off-site disposal of soils at an EPA-approved landfill
    • Archeological monitoring during excavations of potentially historic areas of the property
    • Air monitoring under an EPA-approved community air monitoring program
    • Monitoring of potential vibrations under an EPA-approved vibration monitoring plan

    Trucks will be accessing the property through the Lucas House driveway, along Foster Avenue and from United States Avenue.

Waterbodies Unit

Sherwin-Williams has initiated pre-design investigation activities to address contamination in Silver Lake, Bridgewood Lake, Kirkwood Lake and the Hilliards Creek floodplain. Periodic field activities may occur within the waterbodies as the pre-design and remedial design phases move forward. For more information on the Waterbodies unit and the EPA-approved remedy, visit the Waterbodies page.

Additional Field Activities

From time to time, the Sherwin-Williams team performs various field activities within each of the project units.

  • Sherwin-Williams performs periodic inspection and maintenance of newly planted vegetation in regulated areas for a minimum of five years following remediation and restoration as required under the applicable New Jersey DEP land use permits.
  • Groundwater sampling is performed on a periodic basis throughout the project area as required under applicable EPA work plans.

Contaminated soils are excavated, stabilized as needed, and trucked off-site to an EPA-approved landfill.

Excavation areas are backfilled and returned to pre-construction topography.