The Former Manufacturing Plant (FMP) Groundwater project unit will address groundwater contamination associated with the former manufacturing plant operations. Groundwater investigations began at the FMP in the early 1990s. A comprehensive site-wide groundwater investigation and sampling program has been conducted, first under the direction of the NJDEP and, later, with EPA oversight.
The Groundwater Remedial Investigation (RI) included these significant activities:
- Groundwater sampling and water level measurements;
- Aquifer testing;
- Downhole natural gamma surveys;
- Shallow and intermediate groundwater screening;
- Survey of groundwater/surface water interactions; and,
- Evaluation of biodegradation of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) constituents in groundwater.
While the groundwater investigations were progressing, a number of interim remedial measures were implemented to address groundwater contamination. A removal action was conducted in 1979 to remove sludge material and contaminated soil from the former lagoon area. In November 1997, Sherwin-Williams installed a Free Product Recovery system in the area of One Foster Avenue and United States Avenue, which continues to operate today. Remediation activities currently underway at the Route 561 Dump Site and under design at the United States Avenue Burn Site are also designed to improve groundwater quality
Sherwin-Williams has submitted a comprehensive Groundwater RI report presenting the results of groundwater investigation and sampling activities, as well as the groundwater-related interim measures. Following EPA’s review and final approval of this report, Sherwin-Williams will proceed with a Feasibility Study to evaluate remedial alternatives to address current groundwater conditions.