Residential Properties
The residential properties unit is one of six project units. Residential properties located within the floodplain of the contaminated waterways, and/or immediately adjacent to the Route 561 Dump Site, the United States Avenue Burn Site and the Former Manufacturing Plant, were evaluated to identify potential contamination from one or more of the Sites.
The Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for the Residential Properties unit are complete and EPA released the Record of Decision (ROD) on September 30, 2015. Remediation began in 2016 and is being implemented in a phased approach.
The components of the EPA-selected remedy, as described in the ROD, include:
- excavation of contaminated soil;
- backfilling with clean fill and property restoration as appropriate; and,
- transportation of the contaminated soil off-site for disposal at an EPA-approved landfill.
Remediation and restoration activities are complete on all properties scheduled to be remediated under the Residential unit. EPA has issued a Certification of Completion of Remedial Action for this unit. Sherwin-Williams will continue to monitor the restoration of vegetation in regulated areas as required under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) land use permit.

Sherwin-Williams is remediating and restoring certain residential properties located within the floodplain under EPA review and oversight.

Following remediation activities, structures and amenities located within the remediation zone are restored or replaced and the properties are returned to as close to as-like pre-construction conditions as possible.